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The X spot
The X spot is a spot every woman has.
We have chosen to call it the X spot, since we haven't been able to find anything about the spot on the net or in books. We know that there's a big effect when the spot is stimulated. It's obvious when the X spot is being stimulated.

The X spot is placed approximately 1-2 cm inside the vagina down against the ring-muscle(anus). It is not a spot that expands, but rather a collection of nerves. Stimulation of the X spot can also enhance the lust feeling she already has, it is a good spot to stimulate in connections with other spots. It works fantastic together with the clitoris, the A spot, the G spot and/or the U spot. There are a lot of possibilities. The X spot is stimulated with the fingers.

To give the major A & G spot squirt orgasm we also use the X spot in our classes.

Learn the theory behind A & G spot squirt orgasms !

So you can give the most wonderful orgasm every time

Take our class!

Very soft and erotic technique, learn it here!