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A & G spot squirt orgasm
An A & G spot squirt orgasm, is an orgasm that is 10 times as powerful than an clitoris orgasm. The orgasm spreads throughout the entire body, from hair roots till toes. As long as the giver stimulates her spot’s the right way, as long will the orgasm last.
Orgasm can last several minutes. Very intense and beautiful experience for her and him. Afterwards she will be entirely stressed out and feel a major inner well-being. It's a precious and beautiful gift to get for her and nice for the giver to see his/her woman entirely satisfied.

A & G spot squirt orgasms are a larger experience than only G spot Squirt orgasms, which also are known as vagina orgasms, female ejaculation, squirt orgasms, deep orgasms and wet orgasms.

Has a woman tried to have the big A & G spot orgasm, will it be the beginning of a new chapter in her life. She will experience it will get easier and easier to cum and orgasm’s will become more and more intense, all her senses will become more sensitive and receptive to stimulation.

She will afterwards easily be able to drag this sensation in to a kiss, a touch and a lot of other things, that will become a lot more intense, imagine to get an orgasm just by getting your fingers licked or a kiss on your neck.

If you like to know more, you are welcome to call us, phone +45 6070 8140

or write to our email kontakt@nytliv.nu .


Woman experience your A & G spots!

Let the rest of you life be with major orgasm’s.

Get your A & G spot activated!

With a wonderful and very soft technique